The pelican papers

A big bird's eye view

Home: A pelican nest

Signature pelican

Among the many majestic wonders in my part of the world are flights of pelicans over the bays and estuaries of South Texas and the beaches of Padre and Mustang islands. They are borne by an almost incessant and sometimes mighty wind blowing across watery, semiarid clime that is the Texas Gulf Coast. These majestic birds are a kind of metaphor for landbound types who would fly with them if we could, dive with them if we could and lift ourselves against all odds with a leap and a mighty wingstroke.

This blogsite participates somewhat in the metaphor of the pelican, insofar as it would lunge into the air and fly with majestic ease upon a mighty wind.

These pages comprise selected writings that seldom soar but which show the author’s desire to write truly of what he knows. It’s an eclectic collection ranging from contemporary reflections on the blog to relatively recent academics and not-so-recent pieces of journalism and journalizing. Some of these works are truly archival, drawn from writings committed decades before the electronic age, and which I hope will show whatever may have evolved in my consciousness from then until now. Compiling this blogsite, then, probably will be more of an education for its keeper than for any who might drop in from time to time; indeed, these jottings will be of little interest to anyone but the compiler and, perhaps, a rather small circle of family and friends.

In any case, don’t look for much razzle-dazzle amid these pages. I’m a word guy. It’s a kind of code, but it won’t drive your electronic machine. With any luck at all, though, it might drive a few thoughts through your mind and, if you lean that way, prayers through your heart.